
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Rainbow Falls (Part 1) At 6.1 Miles

I was making the Grand Waterfall Tour along the spectacular Grasse River, an Adirondack waterway just south of Canton, New York. I'd so far stopped at Lampson Falls, Sinclair Falls, Twin Falls, Adrenaline Falls and Bulkhead Falls although I'd failed to find the trail head for Basford Falls. The Big Kahuna of cascades, second only to Lampson Falls, was just ahead at 6.1 miles from the hamlet of Degrasse, New York along Tooley Pond Road. I noticed, as I drove along, that logging had cleared the land abutting the road. I found it fascinating to see the lay of the land all exposed, without many trees. The scattering of large rocks, I guessed, was debris left behind by the retreating glaciers many eons ago:

I didn't find the trail head but I did find a marked canoe carry at about the right distance. Thinking this might take me to the falls, I parked and began walking down it toward the Grasse River. Fergus led the way:

I didn't know if this was the trail or not, but it was lovely so I just enjoyed the experience:

When we arrived at the Grasse River I marveled at its beauty but there were no waterfalls and no indication of whether the falls were upstream or downstream:

The Grasse River here, although powerful, was calm and scenic. The dogs played along its shore:

I looked both upstream and downstream for some hint of where to find the waterfall but saw none and heard no roaring:

When I turned to go, however, I saw this sign for canoeists indicating there were dangerous falls just downstream. I can't imagine how someone in a canoe would see that sign, however, and wondered how many people had died going over the falls. But perhaps there was another, more visible sign downstream and a place to get one's canoe out of the water. But I now knew that the falls were downstream:

In that direction. I strained to hear them but heard only the breeze and bird songs. I imagined how an unsuspecting canoeist might be lulled into thinking this was a perfectly safe stretch of placid river:

But we were seeking Rainbow Falls, so we started back up the trail toward the road:

It was pleasant and scenic, enjoyable with or without waterfalls:

We'd been having 70 to 80 degree days and yet there was still snow in many places:

I got back into my car and drove downstream along Tooley Pond Road until I saw this small sign. Now I knew where to find the trail head! But I'll post more tomorrow:

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