
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Romp Across The Snowy North Hay Field

I returned to the farm after a long driving tour of Blue Mountain Road in the Adirondacks and the town of Gouverneur. I was tired and tempted to just lie low for the night. But the weather was pleasant and there was still daylight, so I took the four younger dogs for a romp across the north hay field:

They'd spent a lot of time cooped up in the car and were full of energy. Even tubby Seamus got to running and playing:

There was still snow on the ground but it was shallow and easy walking. We headed toward the woods:

We found deeper snow in the woods, enough that I found it difficult to walk in some places:

Seamus plowed some through snow while the tiny Papillons just danced across the surface. Notice Clover in the top left of this picture. She's checking for wildlife - or alien spacecraft, or whatever it is dogs check for:

Running back and forth through a trough in the snow caused some confusion when silly dogs were going different directions. But we all had fun:

By then the it was dusk so I called the dogs to head back to the farm house:

And my little caravan of pooches romped their way back toward home. Old Wally and Winky couldn't have managed this walk so they stayed back in the farm apartment, warm and comfortable:

Clover and Daphne, however, never grew weary of running and wrestling:

Almost back to the barn. Notice those sheds on the side of the barn. They were soon to be demolished:

Back home again. Time for dinner and sleep:

The milk room, I hope, will some day be a chicken coop. I'm already saving old barn boards to use for building nest boxes:

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