
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Part 3 - Malone New York, The Star Of The North

I was taking a driving tour of Malone, New York and had so far been impressed with its business districts, both the old style downtown and the more modern commercial strips. I was still downtown but wanted to go find some residential areas:

The downtown was impressive but I wasn't sure where to turn to find homes. I almost turned down that street but then decided it led to more businesses:

Then I turned right on a road leading uphill past this attractive bank building:

And I began to see very large old buildings which may at one time been homes but now seemed to be institutions of one type or another:

And more giant old stone and brick churches:

Some buildings were so large and impressive that I wasn't sure if they were homes or not:

I turned up what seemed to be a side street and instead discovered a closed green surrounded by old colonial homes and a large brick church:

Finally I found a residential area and discovered very impressive old homes:

This area of Malone had a colonial American look to it, very similar to the Stockade section of Schenectady:

Fine old homes, a bustling downtown even on a Sunday afternoon - it appeared to me that the town of Malone was doing well even during these rough economic times. But I wanted to do more exploring. I'll post more tomorrow:

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