
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Beginning Another Trip Up To The Farm

Hey, wasn't it only yesterday that I posted pictures from our trip back from the farm? Yes, but the contractors were beginning the barn restoration work only a week later so the dogs and I were soon on our way back up north to see the big doings. There was still snow in the Adirondacks but I was able to get off the road a bit to give the dogs a rest stop. I had to encourage Wally to come with us as he was unsure of himself with his limited eyesight:

We walked back into the forest toward the Ausable River. We never got as far as the river, though, because Wally and Winky couldn't make it. So I let the young dogs run and play while I encouraged and kept my eye on the two oldsters:

Seamus had a haircut at PetSmart that very morning before we left and they'd put a bandanna around his sizable neck:

Daphne and Clover wrestled and played. Wally and Winky tottered along at their own pace. But all the dogs were happy to be outdoors:

But this was just a rest stop so I soon called the dogs back towards the car:

The three youngsters, as always, ran far ahead and I had to keep them from going in the road - not that there was much traffic:

Wally and Winky were as slow returning to the car as they did walking away from it:

Everyone jumped back into the car except Wally. I continued to call him without showing my impatience as I knew he was making his way through the snow without benefit of eyesight. Once all the dogs were loaded into the car and I'd counted them several times, we resumed our journey through the Adirondacks toward the farm:

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