
Thursday, February 16, 2012

A Winter Outing Across The South Hay Field

It was Monday, my only full day up at the farm, and I'd so far filled it with activity. When I finally arrived home to settle in for the evening, I noticed that it was still light outside and threatening to rain or snow. So I called the four younger dogs and set out for an exploratory hike across my own south hay field. Daphne, Clover and Fergus ran on ahead while Seamus walked close by my side:

We walked farther and farther from the farm house until we reached the end of the field and the edge of the woods:

My property ends at the fence line but I was sure the owners of the woods wouldn't mind. So we plunged ahead, exploring the brushy woodland:

Seamus was right at home walking through the brushy, snowy woodland:

I'd formerly considered this land forest, but it quickly became apparent that it was a former field which was slowly returning to forest. At this point it was mostly brush, briers and pioneer trees such as birch. Fergus went exploring in what appeared to be a boggy, ferny meadow:

The two Papillons joined Fergus in the meadow and we all began heading back toward my own hay field:

My hay field is rather narrow at that point, with a birch lined dirt road running along one side. It had begun to rain slightly as we made our way back toward the farm house:

The three youngsters delight in running, and an open field provided a wonderful opportunity for them to do just that. Seamus preferred to amble happily close to me:

Soon we were approaching the farm house and barn where old Wally and Winky were waiting for us:

There are still some old fences in odd spots around the barn which may or may not have to go when I am able to fence in all my fields for cattle. And the barn needs siding, roof repair and a water supply. My wallet hurts just thinking about it all:

Almost home and the three youngsters broke into a full run. Such enthusiasm and pure joy is a major blessing to my life. I can't imagine an existence without happy dogs:

We arrived back at the farm house and it really was time to settle in for the evening at that point:

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