
Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Massena Museum, Part 1

It was Monday, my first full day up at the farm. I'd left the dogs behind and gone on a driving tour of the local area, passing through the small villages of Brookdale and Raymondville. I then drove into Massena and directly to the Massena Museum:

Two women greeted me when I entered and offered to answer any question as I took myself on a tour of the museum. I asked if it was OK to take pictures for the blog and they said it certainly was, but please don't take photos of them. I began at this old-time kitchen display. Why doesn't anyone build a gas stove like that today? I'd love one::

And then on to the private library which also seemed to have a Jewish theme but I never quite figured out the connection:

There seemed to be lots of old dolls here and there, probably because people who loved them saved them for many decades and they eventually were donated to the museum. I liked that thought:

An old fashioned kitchen table which looked like something from my childhood. I remember washing machines like that one too. Boy, am I getting old!:

A bedroom scene, and I'm glad to say that this one was before my time:

Old desks and a cheerleader's outfit:

And more dolls, once loved by someone and saved for many decades:

A tip-O-the-hat to the medical profession with a nurse, a wicker wheelchair and potty-chair:

And a general store:

The baker's case contained very realistic looking cakes, though I suppose they were made of plaster or something:

The sewing machine reminded me of my mother's Singer and that got me wondering what ever became of it. I suppose I'll never know now. Well, I was just getting started on my tour of the Massena Museum. I'll post more tomorrow:

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