
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Hiking Vroman's Nose, Part 4

We'd reached to top of Vroman's Nose, the dogs and I, and were traversing the trail which ran alarmingly close to the edge of the cliff. The dogs were on their leashes and told to "Heel.". I wasn't taking any chances:

When we reached a crest where I could see the other direction across the Schoharie Valley, I also saw a photographer setting up his equipment out on a ledge. Another photographer was nearby in the woods:

Both were young men who were friendly and liked the dogs, but I was really glad I had all four pooches on leashes. I could just imagine a tripod getting knocked off that ledge:

I can't be sure, but I think that's the town of Middleburgh, New York down in the valley:

And then the trail dropped down the mountain through the forest and I felt safe letting the dogs off their leashes again. I could see the valley floor through the trees as we made our descent:

The descent was quite steep in some places, more gentle in others. The dogs were happy and the scenery was grand:

I let the dogs run around and get some exercise as they checked everything out:

We dropped lower and lower:

And kept going down, with the valley visible through the trees in many places:

Seamus trotted on ahead but I insisted the youngsters stay closer:

The trail leveled out and the forest became comfortable, friendly and welcoming:

Daphne considered herself the main dog and made sure everybody was accounted for. We were almost to the trail head, but I'll post more about that tomorrow:

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