
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Setting Out On A New Driving Tour

I'd taken the younger dogs for a walk across the north hay field. As we returned to the farm house, the "Silly Sisters," Papillons Daphne and Clover, were still running full speed! I next planned to take another driving tour of the area without the dogs, so had to get them all situated:

My lawn was littered with fallen apples:

The neighbors across the county road were quiet, perhaps staying home for the day:

I put Seamus and Fergus in the barn's enclosed box stall. When I leave them in the farm apartment, they have in the past jumped on my bed, barking nonstop and clawing at the windows. When I returned, I found curtains pulled down and unhappy tenants. Both dogs were displeased about being left in the barn, but I knew they'd be safe and comfortable:

I drove out the back way and began my journey by driving north on the county road:

I have quite a few Amish neighbors, though I have not yet met any of them:

I'd gone only about a mile when I spotted this amazing scene in a huge hay field:

It was thousands of Snow Geese, resting on their way south. I thought at the time that the darker birds must be Canada Geese, but having now read up on the subject, I think they were the blue morph form of Snow Geese:

It was an amazing sight indeed, but I couldn't get too much closer without spooking the birds or risking angering the land owner. So I continued on my way:

They were harvesting corn in the adjacent field. The Snow Geese would enjoy that field as soon as it was harvested because lots of corn kernels would be left on the ground:

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