
Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Raybrook Frog

I was travelling home from a visit to the farm when I passed this store on Route 86 in Ray Brook, New York. With Christmas just ahead, I decided to stop and look for possible gifts:

The store is called The Raybrook Frog, a curious name until I encountered this froggy bit of chainsaw art on the front porch. It was holding what appeared to have been a cupcake (or ice cream cone?) and a coffee cup. Furthermore, the porch/deck floor boards had been cut out to accommodate the frog, suggesting that it'd been carved out of an existing tree stump when the place was built:

The store was open for business and hoping to attract Christmas shoppers. I left the dogs in the car and went inside, bringing my camera along so that I could take you shopping with me:

And discovered a sort of Adirondack themed wonderland:

They had expensive Adirondack style furniture and furnishings as well as much cheaper knickknacks and old fashioned souvenirs. Furthermore, everything was on sale:

If I had been a wealthy owner of an Adirondack Great Camp, I could have furnished the whole place here:

The Adirondack theme seemed to revolve around Balsam, Birch, Pine, Deer, Moose and Chipmunks. Hey, I was good with that!:

Candles, birch Art, balsam sachets and incense, woven throws and lots of atmosphere:

Hand woven pack-baskets, more candles, less expensive Adirondack themed items:

Strings of lantern and trout shaped lights, wilderness sound recordings, Native American and old timey pioneer folk music, more baskets, pine and balsam scented soaps, towels, place mats:

It was indeed a fun store, just filled with everything I could imagine:

More Adirondack furniture:

And even beds and lamps. The beds were covered with Adirondack furs, quilts and plush moose and bears:

So much was made of birch bark that I momentarily worried if the birch trees were being wiped out for use in Adirondack themed furniture. But then I realized how much of it there is and how it is cut for pulp and firewood. It does grow like weeds up there. I guess the birch population is safe:

I did buy some Christmas gifts and took them to the counter. I'll show you some of them on a future post:


  1. Do youhave any other photos from Ray Brook Frog? I purchased their paper birch valances at close out. I'd love photos from in store. Particularly the front picture window the valance had the initials RBF. Thank you for your response.

    1. I checked and didn't have any others. I have discontinued this blog but still get notifications when there is a comment.


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