
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hiking The Pinnacle, Part 2

I was hiking up the trail to the scenic look-out on "The Pinnacle" in the northern Adirondacks. I had my four hiking dogs with me and they were ecstatic to be outdoors and hiking once again. I snapped a picture of little Daphne on the trail ahead of me as we climbed our way upward:

The trail ziq-zagged back and forth instead of going directly up the side of the mountain as had the Azure Mountain trail. This made the hiking much easier and more pleasant. My two little hiking Papillons, Daphne and Clover, were having a great time. They'd been spayed only 7 days ago and I was not sure if they were ready for hiking. But I needed have worried:

Big ol' giant Seamus had recently lost 10 pounds (though he was still 120 pounds!) and had a haircut. So he was more energetic than I've seen him in a long time. He too was having a grand time:

I tried to photograph some bright red Trillium berries at the base of a cliff, but just before I snapped the picture, Clover raced through and knocked them to the ground. Sigh. Well, such are the "delights" of hiking with rambunctious dogs:

We climbed higher and higher, and I could tell by looking through the forest canopy that we were already above the surrounding hills:

And then I saw a glimpse of the surrounding St. Regis River Valley and Adirondack mountains. It was nice, but I hoped this wasn't the best view which this hike had to offer:

A few more bends in the trail, however, led me to this wondrous overlook:

The north country spread out before me in an amazing display of great beauty:

Incongruously, there was a picnic table at the top of the mountain and I wondered how on earth they got it up there. It kind of spoiled the wilderness feeling but was handy for tying the dogs to keep them away from the steep edge:

Do you see that strip of blue water off in the distance? That's the St. Regis River, where it's been dammed at St. Regis Falls and Santa Clara. I'd hiked along its shoreline the previous day with my dogs:

These are the northern highlands of the Adirondack Park and only a few miles south of my farm. Who could ask for a more scenic, wonderful place to spend one's retirement? Notice the little bog at the base of the cliff just below where I was standing. This was most likely an old beaver pond beginning to fill in as the cycle of forest/pond/bog/forest continues. Well, I assumed that this was the end of the trail but wasn't yet ready to hike back down to the car. I'll post more tomorrow:

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog. i am really happy to see this.thanks for it..hiking food for dogs


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