
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Homecoming - We Arrive At The Farm

It was rather late in the afternoon when the dogs and I arrived at the farm. We found the snow all melted and everything was quiet. I turned on the water, turned up the heat and gave the dogs a quick walk around the barn. Then I left Winky and Wally inside my little apartment and took the other four dogs for a brisk walk across the north hay field:

Fergus for some strange reason was afraid to walk onto the field and stayed at the road as the rest of us began our walk. I called him but he wouldn't come. Finally I walked back, picked him up and carried him to the middle of the field. At that point he was willing to walk with us although still skittish. This has happened before. Does he see or smell something the other dogs don't?:

A brief video of the dogs playing in the field. You can hear how windy it was:

We finally reached the woods but didn't enter. Instead, we all began walking back to the farm house:

By this time Fergus was enjoying himself and having a good run:

The puppies were of course wrestling and running pretty much nonstop:

When we finally arrived back at the house, all six dogs got one more chance to poop and pee before I put them inside and went visiting:

I began by walking across the road and paying a visit to the young couple there and also to their horses, dogs and children:

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