
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Albany Off In The Distance

I just happened to have my camera with me one recent Saturday when I was shopping at Wal-Mart. This particular store sits up on a hill overlooking the Hudson Valley and the city of Albany. So of course I stopped to snap a few pictures. This is downtown Albany as seen from the town of East Greenbush in Rensselaer County. The Hudson River is there also, but too low to be seen:

An enlarged view which shows I-90 traffic passing by:

Just pointing my camera a bit to the north gave this view of the village of Menands across the river north of Albany. That big white building partially obscured by a small tree is the former Montgomery Ward building, now (I think) New York State offices. The lower, brown building on the far right is the Wal-Mart where I shopped:

A nearby hotel's parking lot provided views to the south of Albany and the Helderberg and Catskill Mountains in the not-too-far distance:

And one final snapshot before I headed for home:

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