
Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Corning Preserve Trail, Part 2

I was hiking on the Corning Preserve Trail which traverses north and south between the western shore of the Hudson River and downtown Albany. I had my four youngest dogs with me and clearly they were having a wonderful time:

The trail was difficult to walk, pock-marked with foot prints which had softened in the sun and then re-frozen. Beneath it all was water which soaked quickly through the shoes I thought were waterproof. So we didn't go far and soon turned back toward the car. But when I saw footprints heading from the trail down through the snow towards the riverbank, I just had to explore. It led us down along a little feeder stream where we could see the downtown railroad bridge in the distance:

The two Papillon puppies, Clover and Daphne, were having a grand time and were light enough to float right over the crusted snow:

For Seamus it was more difficult. He, like me, kept sinking in the snow:

Fergus is perfectly designed as a snow dog. He has a thick, waterproof woolly coat and lots of energy. He and Daphne were great playmates:

Clover insisted on stopping to watch the Mallards. Seamus didn't much care, but I think that Clover would have trekked down there to see them if I'd have let her:

As we got near the parking area, the two pups ran ahead:

The parking area is beneath this elevated highway (Rt 787) and protected from the rain and snow:

The railroad bridge appears to be very old and spans the river between Rensselaer and Albany. Instead of one section raising when a tall ship passes, it pivots and turns sideways. It's quite a sight to see. I walked across this bridge once and found it a bit intimidating with big spaces between the timbers and a much bigger distance down to the water below than you would think looking at this photo:

I put the dogs back in the car and snapped this final photo of some of Albany's buildings nearby. It had been a brief excursion but much needed. I can hardly wait for the snow to melt so that we can get back out into the forests and mountains:

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