
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Tupper Lake! Tupper Lake! (The Actual Lake)

After a brief stop at the scenic park overlooking the Raquette Flow, I continued south until I arrived at the small city of Tupper Lake. I knew I was there because it truly does sit on the banks of the beautiful Adirondack Tupper Lake. Again, I noticed a city park I hadn't previously seen. The entrance was not plowed, but looked easily passable so in I went. Once again, since it was a city park and the dogs had recently had a good break, I left them in the car as I explored:

Tupper Lake is quite large and although the day was overcast, I could see some Adirondack mountains on the far shore. The surface was frozen out some distance from the shoreline and, in all honesty, it reminded me of the frozen shores of Lake Erie from my boyhood:

Clouds, snow and ice in all directions:

There was a little observation deck overlooking the lake. I went up to take a closer look:

I imagine that the view is peaceful and lovely in the warmer parts of the year. But in winter it's darn cold and blustery:

I set my camera to self-timer and put it atop a post to take my own photo. But the wind was blowing so hard that I worried it might topple the camera off the post at any moment. I suspect that the strong wind was responsible for this blurry result:

If this scene makes you shiver, then you are interpreting it correctly. It was cold and windy. The dogs were lucky to have stayed inside the car:

Looking southward down the shoreline. That's where we were heading. Both the highway and the city follow the long shoreline of Tupper Lake:

As I drove down through the city of Tupper Lake, I stopped to snap a picture of the giant woodsman, carved out of a single tree trunk. Behind the statue were some structures which I imagined were the home of Tupper Lake's annual "Woodsmen's Days. Each year there is a celebration with parades, lumberjack competitions, horse pulls, big equipment contests, chainsaw carving, greased pole climbing, etc. Tupper Lake is a traditional lumber town:

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