
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Driving Through The High Peaks Town Of Keene, New York

Our rest stop was done, so I drove out of the forest and back onto the highway. The dogs and I continued on our way up through the Adirondacks High Peaks Region. That, of course, means the town of Keene, New York where I took some photos of the unique buildings while snow was falling:

There's many buildings in Keene built in the classic Adirondack style and they looked all the more classic in the snow storm:

Adirondack furniture on the porch, tree trunk pillars and brown wood siding situated beneath a towering Eastern White Cedar:

Dartbrook Rustic Goods - a beautiful, fascinating store but much too pricey for my wallet:

An Adirondack bakery and deli. I always want to stop there, but my waistline is already giving evidence that I don't need any more goodies. So I just enjoy the architecture and take note of all the parked cars. Their food must be real good:

As I continued northward and uphill out of the town of Keene, I turned off on a side road to take a tour. I passed many nice old Adirondack farms such as this one:

I'm guessing this was a sugar house:

A very long barn with many stalls:

I see many houses with turrets in the Adirondacks and up by my farm. I suppose when you live amid all that beauty, a lofty perch offers even better views:

Most of the homes are traditional old farm houses, solid and inviting. This one looked like a good place to go for Thanksgiving or Christmas:

And Kerosene Heights. I have no idea what this is, but I pass by it on every trip. It has the Olympic symbol on it, but that doesn't help me understand what it's there for. For all I know, it may simply be somebody's garage:

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