
Monday, November 22, 2010

The Port Kent Road And Wolf Pond Road

I'd driven up to the farm with all six of my dogs for an overnight visit. I went to bed even earlier than usual and therefore woke up well before dawn. I let the dogs out for a romp, cooked myself breakfast and loaded up the car. I shut off the water to my apartment lest the pipes freeze and began my journey southward. I decided to explore some new back roads, so began on the Port Kent Road which follows the St. Regis River for many miles:
When I passed a spot where the river tumbled wildly over boulders just a few yards from the road, I had to stop and take some pictures. The Spruces were dusted with snow and the Beeches still had golden leaves. It was early in the morning and I saw no other car on the road. I should add that it was also quite cold. Do you see the frost on the grass?:

The St. Regis River has many moods as its many branches twist and curl through the landscape:

So with the dogs waiting for me in the car I decided to take a quick video:

I traveled the Port Kent Road, continuing on as it became the Red Tavern Road and the Hopkinton Turnpike, But then I turned off onto an even smaller road called Wolf Pond Road. This one stretched east and west clear across the northeastern portion of the Adirondacks. It was indeed beautiful, but became narrower and narrower as I drove. It was soon down to one lane composed solely of sand and became pocked with deep holes filled with water and ice. I hated to have wasted so much time, but knew I had to turn around before I became stuck or lost. But we were deep in the Adirondack forest so I parked right there on the road and let the dogs out for a break:

The dogs were happy to be exploring this pristine northern forest and indeed it was beautiful. Yet is was so very remote that I felt relieved when I had all the dogs loaded back up into the car and was on my way back toward civilization:

It took some time, but we made it back to a State highway. On our return trip toward the main roads we passed signs of past logging activity and saw much wild, beautiful scenery. I may try this again in summertime:

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