
Friday, August 13, 2010

Evening And Morning In The Farm Apartment

This post begins with some photos of the dogs as they settled in for the night in the farm apartment. I'd been up since very early that morning, driven over six hours to get there and frankly, I was tired. So this was quiet time. The dogs seemed happy enough about it all:

Wally for some reason likes to position himself in the corner under the table. There's no soft dog bed there, but he doesn't seem to mind. He does get to sleep on the bed, though, so I suppose that makes up for it:

All the dogs except Wally are in this photo. If you don't see Seamus, look for the pair of glowing eyes to the left of the bed:

See? There's Seamus. He doesn't seem to require the softer surface of the carpet or the pillows:

And yes, Fergus and the puppies had to spend some time playing and wrestling:

"I think those puppies are awfully silly, Dad:"

A few more wrestling matches to prepare for bed time:

And soon enough, everyone tired out:

Daphne loves her big buddy, Seamus. Notice that Wally has again positioned himself in the corner under the table and Winky has found a carpet on which to lounge. Seamus once again avoids the softer carpet:

I took this photo of the western wall of my apartment to show my kitchen set up. That's the door to the bathroom just past the refrigerator. The patch of light is coming from one of the three big windows on the eastern wall, so I must have taken this picture in the morning:

Indeed, this picture of the barn as seen through one of the eastern windows also shows the early morning light. I wish I could include the sounds of the birds singing:

And looking outside the door on the north side of the apartment was this lovely early morning, dewy scene. That's the north hay field across that gravel road:

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