
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Baby Dove Update Number 7

I took these photos the other morning while cleaning out the bird cages. While it's apparent to me that these babies are going to be quite beautiful in the near future, I don't think they're quite ready yet for the "Want Ad Digest" photos. And that goes doubly for the ungainly little albino baby, shown here at 18 days old. He or she is growing, but slowly in spite of the parents' good feeding. And yet I still hope that in the end, he'll be the ugly duckling (doveling?) that turned into a beautiful "swan:"

The albino's nest mate at 19 days old is beginning to look like a real dove and is exhibiting a nice pied coloration. You can see the widening difference in size between the two babies:

Here's a rear view of the 19 day old baby Ringneck Dove:

The two babies from nest 1 are at this point 21 days old and looking more like real Ringneck Doves:

Their pied coloration is developing nicely. This is a relatively unusual and sought after color, so I am hopeful that someone will want these little beauties:

I believe I'll advertise them in one more week. At the rate they are growing, I'll be stuck with several more cages of doves if I don't find them a good home. But they're lovely colors and quite tame and accustomed to being handled, so I should think that they'll do well:

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I have acquired a ringneck dove that was a badly injured infant. I was sure it would die over night that was 6 weeks ago! It is now free in our back yard and I would love some information to help wean it from me and into the wild fully. I have never done this before. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. My email is


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