
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Settling In For A Night At The Farm

I'll begin today's post with the same photo with which I ended yesterday's post, a picture of my farm house and barn as I saw it as I returned from touring the back roads. It was a welcome sight and I was ready to make myself comfortable for the night:

I let the dogs out for a break and then we settled in for the evening. Daphne, Wally and Fergus made themselves at home on my bed while I began to prepare my dinner:

But there's also plenty of pillows and carpeting on the floor for comfort:

While I ate dinner, the dogs lounged about the apartment:

I decided to get a photo of myself and Wren watched me closely, wondering what I was doing:

All the dogs kept an eye on me as to their way of thinking, I was acting very strangely indeed:

And to end this post, a video taken just before retiring.

Night was falling and we were settling in for the evening when I saw this scene. Wren was watching the two puppies, Fergus and Daphne, as they wrestled on the floor. She seemed interested, as she perhaps remembered when she was young, thin and enjoyed wrestling. So I grabbed my camera and set it to take videos. That's Canadian Public Radio you hear in the background:

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