
Monday, April 26, 2010

Rest Break In The Adirondack Forest

We were on our way to the farm and had entered the Adirondacks region, so I stopped at a campsite just off the road to give the dogs (and myself too) a break. We began hiking down a trail through the forest. Little Wren is most often the slowest of the dogs, but it's not for lack of effort. She chugs along like a little brown locomotive:

Wren tried valiantly to scale the logs which had fallen across the trail but without success. Each attempt caused her to land backwards on her butt with a bit of a roll sideways. I took pity on her and helped her over them once I'd seen her difficulty:

Wren and Winky are my "curmudgeon dogs" and are almost always the slowest, trailing the pack. It creates a challenge for me to slow the lead dogs and encourage the slow ones to hurry up. In truth, we'd never walked this far from the car before. But I was in a mood for both exploring and for a bit of exercise:

Wally was once quite a little hiker but has decided as he aged to resist such strenuous activities. He was more than happy to do this brief hike, however:

Winky and Wren are still bringing up the rear:

Fergus and Daphne are running back and forth, taking forays into the deeper woods and doing a bit of wrestling. I insist only that they stay in sight:

Seamus has slowed down from his puppy days and is currently a most excellent hiking companion. Mostly he stays right with me and is a perfect height for petting along the way. I don't even have to bend over to pet him. Here, he is traveling with his buddy, Fergus. Notice the nearby mountain seen through the trees:

Another small log which Winky crawled over without a problem. Wren once again required assistance:

What a lovely day, what pleasant sights and smells, what happy dogs, what a worthwhile rest break:

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