
Monday, January 4, 2010

Beginning A Wintry Drive Up To The Farm

The internet weather reports predicted light snow, snow flurries or occasional snow, but this is the northeast where we're used to such things. So I loaded the dogs into my car and headed off up through the Adirondack Mountains to the farm:

All six dogs are in the car ready to go on a great adventure. You can see Seamus' and Fergus' heads but the other dogs are in there also. Believe me, I count heads often. I've seen too many sitcoms where parents leave a child at a gas station or rest area for me to ever be complacent about the possibility of forgetting one of my dogs. Therefore, I count them and then count again. Then, just for good measure, I sometimes stop the car and double check. Yep, they're all in there and we can leave now:

The first 105 minutes is on the limited access highway called The Northway, the main road between Albany and Montreal. About an hour north of Albany, we enter the Adirondack Park:

But then we exit the main highway and begin the journey along small, two lane roads through the high peaks region. I stopped on the side of the road to snap a photo of the car with all the pooches in it:

Directly ahead of us are the high peaks - more high peaks, that is. We're already driving through some of them as you can see from the drop-off to our right:

Rugged rocky cliffs alongside the road mean that I won't be walking the dogs any time soon around here:

This, you may recall from posts last spring, is a waterfall down the side of a mountain. But on this day it seems totally frozen. I suppose there's moving water underneath the ice somewhere:

I'll post more photos of our journey in days to come. This inviting cabin sat just off the road in the woods in the Keane Valley:

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