
Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Day At The Farm

I only had one full day at the farm and that was Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. But I enjoyed it very much. I explored the barn and fields, drove all around the local area snapping photos of my future neighbors and relaxed with the dogs in my little apartment. Here's Wally, feeling safe, secure, happy and contented. You can see the dog dishes behind him. I just feed my dogs dry food and water free choice. There's 6 of them, after all, and my past attempts at serving up more variety have mostly resulted in trouble. This system works quite well:

Fergus and Seamus get comfy by the front door. It must have been dinnertime when I took this picture because my empty bowl sits on the table. I had vegetable stew:

Besides the 32 (yes, 32!!!) barn windows which Rick replaced and the new electric wiring, there was this giant old beam in the hayloft. It's perhaps 14" by 14" and extends the entire width of the barn. Unfortunately, it'd become detached at one end, posing a hazard and no longer holding the barn together. So Rick winched it back into place and secured it with large bolts, boards and turnbuckles. It's now safe and secure enough for me to throw barn dances for balance beam artists up there:

Another view of this giant beam. It's truly amazing. Near the wall behind it is the stairway descending to the first floor:

This ancient farm implement is up in the hayloft also. We've decided that it's a thresher, but we wonder what it threshed and how it was powered. I've spent quite a bit of time searching for information on Google but without success. Does anyone know more about this wonder of human ingenuity?

Another view of the thresher. I wonder if some museum might be interested. Hmmmmmmmmmm:

The south end of the hayloft. This is one truly giant barn:

Back at the apartment with the dogs, I took this photo through the window of the milk room and the barn with its brand new windows:

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