
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A Mini-Hike To Church Pond

At the junction of Routes 30 and 86 in the Adirondacks, there is a tiny dirt road which looks like someone's driveway but I've noticed a sign something to the effect of "Public Road. Do Not Block. So I investigated. There's a picturesque white church in the pines, and directly across the road from it is a little trail which leads to the aptly named Church Pond. The dogs and I needed a rest stop, so we parked the car at the church and began walking:

I had a bit of difficulty getting started, as Wren went the wrong direction and didn't come when called. I believe that she is, like Casey, losing her hearing. But once I got all the dogs on the trail, it became a pleasant walk. It was actually too short to be called a hike, and that's a good thing or I'd have been carrying Wren and Winky. But it made us all happy and we got to stretch our legs, empty our bladders and get our blood circulating once again:

Well, I almost got all the dogs in this photo. I don't see Wren, undoubtedly because she was trailing behind. That's her job - bringing up the rear:

There's Wren! And Wally and Winky also. And you can see that we're nearing Church Pond:

Wren chugs along like a little locomotive, head down and legs pumping, making little whiny noises. I think she's enjoying herself but I always watch for signs that she isn't. On the other hand, I sometimes have to insist that she come along with us. If it were up to her, she'd lie on a velvet cushion and eat bacon treats until she exploded:

A group of the pooches has reached Church Pond ahead of me and found a wondrous smell. It takes so little to make a dog happy!:

Church Pond. Now, wasn't that worth the walk?

Wally and Seamus on the trail back to the car:

And little Miss Personality, Wren, chugging back up the hill:

Goodbye to Church Pond:

Casey and Fergus on the trail:

Wait a minute! How did Wren get at the head of the pack?!?:

Casey arrives back at the trail head:

And Wally and Winky arrive. Fergus hadn't had enough exercise and resisted getting back into the car but these little, older dogs were happy to rest once again. It had been a good rest stop and mini-adventure:

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