
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Harvey Mountain - Part 4

We were on our way back down the mountain now. There wasn't much chance of meeting another hiker, but it's always a possibility. Both of my dogs love other dogs but don't seem to understand good dog manners about going slowly. They charge right up and joyfully jump all over the other dogs. As you might imagine, this does not always please the "jumpee." Therefore I try to put them on a leash when I see another hiker in the distance, especially if he has a dog with him:

The trail here is narrow and passes between forest on one side and blueberry fields on the other. We're almost back to the rounded knob with the nice views:

The trail is not marked but gets enough traffic that it's easy to spot. Here we come out onto a place where the Catskill Mountains stretch out along the horizon, not really very far away:

This was in late October and still there was some nice autumn color which, added to the scenic vistas, earthy and mossy smells, crisp air and warm sunshine made a particularly wonderful day to be hiking:

The trail curls through the blueberry fields with views on several sides. Fergus has reached the age where he's calming down a bit and become more responsible. Here, he looks back to be sure we're with him:

The view to the southwest:

The final scenic visa as the trail rounds the hill. Below here, it enters the woods again and heads down toward our parked car:

We pause for a photo op:

Fergus and Seamus lead the way down the mountain:

When they get too far in front of me, I call them back. Here, they are returning with great joy. I guess they figure it's nice to be wanted:

But soon we settle down to plodding down the trail, simply moving from where we were to where we're going:

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