
Sunday, November 22, 2009

From St. Regis Falls To Home

The dogs and I were headed south towards home and passing through the very nice little Adirondack town of St. Regis Falls. Right alongside the highway we spotted what I assumed was the source of the town's name, a waterfall, a dam and a ...................... well, I don't know exactly what the building was for:

It appeared almost like an electric power generator but wasn't sufficiently elaborate. I've since checked the internet and found no answer. Whatever its purpose, it's quite scenic:

I parked next to the building and looked to the east along the reservoir:

And, looking farther out to the west, the Adirondacks stretching for many miles:

The little town of St. Regis Falls. I think this might be called their downtown area:

And then we continued driving south and passed this nice old Adirondack home with its unique method of displaying pumpkins:

Halloween had passed, so these holiday decorations were collapsing and left untended:

As we continued southward, we drove through forests of spruce which were covered with frost:

As we drove through the town of Brighton, we once again passed the cemetery with the beautiful views. And yes, I stopped to let the dogs out for a break:

If you click on this photo to enlarge it, you can see the low-lying clouds in the mountain valley in the distance. It was quite lovely:

And as we passed Turtle Pond, I saw this waterfront cottage which was clearly heated by wood on that chilly morning:

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