
Monday, October 26, 2009

Provincetown - Part 6, It's Concert Time!

A couple of hours before concert time, the chorus gathers outside the concert hall to promote the performance. That's part of how it's done in Provincetown. Hawkers are accosting tourists all up and down Commercial Street. Remember the woman dressed as an apple tree?

The theme of the concert was "A Time Line Of American Music" and we all wore costumes from various decades. Some of the singers have already put on their costumes and some have not. If you've been following this blog, you are probably wondering if this is the same concert we performed back in May. The answer is that it is indeed a repeat (but a new audience):

A punk rocker from the 2000s, a sailor from the 50s and a woman from - hmmmm, the 40s? Sometimes it was hard to tell which decade the costumes were representing:

A few chorus members out front of the Unitarian Meeting Hall, our concert venue:

An hour or so before the concert, we already have some audience:

Our lighting man, Howard:

Having fun, enjoying the moment:

Olga, our director, discusses last minute details with Matt, dressed in 70s garb:

My costume (with knickers and argyle knee socks) was supposed to be from the 30s. I'm not not sure what decade Joel was representing:

Only about half the chorus was able to travel to Provincetown to participate in the concert but we had enough people to produce a good sound. A chorus member would give a brief reading about each decade as we traveled through the songs from each time period:

From the 30s - Derek, Mark and I sing a humorous version of "A Tisket A Tasket":

And from the 50s - Mark and I sing a really silly version of "Old Cape Cod.":

In full voice:

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