
Friday, October 30, 2009

Driving Route 28N Toward Newcomb

On my most recent drive up to the farm I took a slightly altered route (there aren't very many alternatives, so only minor variations are available). I left the Northway and headed northwest on Route 28N through Newcomb. Though the brilliant autumn leaves are mostly past, the countryside was still lovely. Here's a wetland, lake and mountains alongside the highway:

These small waterways through the cattails: possibly products of beaver activity? I don't know the answer but suspect that they are:

Nearing the town of Newcomb, I passed by this old Adirondack farm and found it strikingly beautiful:

Then, just as I was about to cross over the Boreas River, I saw a small dirt road leave the highway and head off into the woods. It was time for the dogs to have a break, so I turned off onto it. It had no signs of any kind, but clearly people camped there. The dogs liked it a lot:

Seamus may look awkward here, but he was actually moving at a pretty good clip. Notice the blurred legs:

Evidence of camping. This is a concrete fire pit and one of the rare opportunities for me to get all 6 dogs in one photo. I don't know, but suspect that the scent they're all so excited about is bacon grease or some such camping residue. Hot stuff if you're a dog!:

Wren and Winky generally are far behind the pack, and in this case Winky decided to leave his calling card. Wally is belatedly deciding to go join the more adventurous dogs:

And these would be the more adventurous dogs - Casey, Fergus and Seamus. Casey, though quite elderly (and losing both her hearing and eyesight), has had enough time on the trail to know what she's doing and to relish it:

And the campsite was adjacent to the beautiful Boreas River:

Another view of the Boreas River, this one with a small beaver dam:

It's easy to see how these rivers and streams would have been seen as highways into the wilderness by native peoples and by the early pioneers. Even today, a canoe would sure be easier and more scenic than walking (not to mention saving one from carrying all the supplies on one's back). But in this modern era, most of us just take photos from the edge of the road and that's OK too:

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