
Friday, August 21, 2009

Snapshots From The North Country

Just off Route 87, "The Northway." This is the Exit 30 on-ramp. Even that is stunning:

My first view is of Rocky Peak Ridge, officially one of the high peaks. I once took two dogs on a "vision quest" up there along that ridge. We walked among the clouds, watched a lightning storm rushing across the mountaintops until it was over us, found refuge under a rocky ledge, ate wild blueberries and watched for bears. It was a memorable experience:

Black Eyed Susans and Goldenrod blooming in profusion. It's clear that autumn is on its way:

The Ausable River, a quintessential Adirondack stream - and a grand place to splash about and cool off:

Once again - the Olympic ski jump apparatus in Lake Placid. I found a place where I can see the bottom of these giant slopes from the ground, though it's through so many trees that photos didn't turn out. I'm fascinated by them and can't understand how they're used as they end abruptly at the grandstands. That seems to me to be a dangerous way to end a hair-raising ride. So far, all I can say is that these are much larger than they appear from a distance:

A street scene from the town of Lake Placid:

And another Lake Placid street scene. They all seem to be framed by Adirondack mountains:

Lake Flower in the town of Saranac Lake. Wouldn't you suppose that the main lake in the town of Saranac Lake would be called Saranac Lake? Evidently that would make life too easy. The red brick building in the center is Hotel Saranac in downtown Saranac Lake. The town is a lovely place and some happy people get to live here year round. Well, I suppose it's considerably less charming in the winter:

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