
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Driving north through Newcomb

And now, regarding my drive north to the farm through Newcomb, Long Lake, etc..............
I stopped at a pull-off surrounded by Cattails and Blue Flag in full bloom. I wasn't sure the dogs would like the graveled surface but they were quite happy with it. Lots of places to smell and an unobstructed area in which to run around. You may notice, however, that while the other dogs are exercising, Wren is lagging behind and looking wistfully back at the comfortable car.

This is a common scene for me. All the other dogs are back in the car but Winky, being - well, being Winky, is dragging his feet and taking his time. This is at the graveled area surrounded by Spruce forest, Cattails and Blue Flag in bloom. I did attempt to get some photos of the woods and flowers, but alas, none turned out well enough to use.

The town of Newcomb was very pleasant and I discovered that it's situated on the shores of Lake Harris. This was the Forth of July weekend, so families were paddling canoes and swimming along the shore. Nonetheless, it's still a wilderness lake and most of its shoreline is completely unspoiled.

And, as you can see, a more beautiful July day was not possible.

This little stream is the Hudson River close to its source.

Another branch of Lake Harris.

With a high peak in the distance.

And crossing the road, traffic slowed down for a family of Wild Turkeys. If you click on the photo to enlarge it, you can see four or more poults (babies) in the grass.

An idyllic scene alongside the road. Is it any wonder that people love the Adirondacks? Preserving it was a stroke of genius. Imagine our current legislature, now with the Senate in its fifth week of bickering and inaction, accomplishing anything like the preservation of the Adirondacks.

A beaver dam with a mountain in the background.

And finally, a shot of the two lane highway leading me north through the Adirondacks toward the farm. There are wildflowers along the road with spruce forests backing them up. And mountains everywhere. There's no supermarkets, but only general stores selling souvenirs, camping equipment and groceries. In fact, I almost bought a faux coonskin cap for my sister's birthday. Maybe I'll get it on my next trip. As you can tell, I always buy useful, sensible gifts.

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