
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Drive Up Through The High Peaks - Part 2

Still heading north up through the Adirondacks on my way to the farm, I was as always especially appreciative of the highway views in the area of Brighton, New York. Here's an example:

And below, another nearby scene. Notice the large slide on the mountain to the right. I wouldn't have wanted to be at the base of that mountain when it let loose.

Field, forest, hill and high peaks all in one shot (below). And as if being beautiful wasn't enough for the town of Brighton, it's also the best place in the high peaks region to buy a sub for lunch.

The two-lane highway continues through the high peaks region with panoramas stretching out on all sides. Sun and the shadows of clouds make the nearby mountains come alive.

In the Santa Clara tract, getting close to my farm, the topography flattens out. This tract was recently purchased and added to the Adirondack Park lands. I stopped here to let the dogs stretch their legs and they trotted by somebody's old cabin. In the photo below: Casey, Fergus, Seamus, Winky and Wally thrill to the scents of nature.

But back at the car, Wren has decided that she's gone far enough.

Wren wouldn't join them, but the other 5 dogs are having quite a good time.

When we got far enough away from her, Wren decided that maybe she'd make an effort to join us after all.

I gave them a call and all the dogs came back to the car. It was time to drive onward to the farm.

In one of the last (and smallest) settlements in the Adirondacks before arriving at my farm, we pass this tiny Catholic church. The town of Santa Clara consists of a church, a small inn and about two houses. Next stop - the farm.

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