
Sunday, June 7, 2009

Herding Cats

I'm up very early this morning preparing to drive up to the farm. So I thought I'd take a few minutes to introduce you to the cats who share my life. All 5 of them are on the cat trees, above, and 4 of them came from my days of taking in foster animals from the local shelter. I don't have a count, but I suppose I fostered somewhere between 30 and 50 kittens. At one point, an employee helped me save some when the shelter was about to put most of the kittens to sleep the following day. If only people would spay and neuter their pets!

Above: Bramble. I already had 4 resident cats when a litter of kittens arrived at the shelter, rather late in the year when they were already overrun with cats and kittens. They were all black and white Holstein types except for one gray and white kitten. They were all friendly except for the gray and white one. He was skittish and shy. The shelter employees figured he'd never get a home so I took him and named him Bramble. He's always loved other animals and has gradually learned to tolerate people. He even purrs when I pet him. That's a great step forward for Bramble.

Above: Draco. I was volunteering at the shelter during an especially busy summer when cats where coming in rapidly. They all got food and water, but otherwise were often forgotten. Every time I entered the puppy room, a white cat stuck in a small cage in a hallway reached out his long arm and patted me on the shoulder. He languished there for a long time and finally was put on the adoption floor. But no one wanted Draco because he was deaf. So of course, I took him. He was neutered and has been a wonderful, companionable cat.

Above: Georgette. She's a character who loves to keep me company by sitting on my computer as she's doing by the mouse picture.

Georgette was abandoned with one kitten, left alone to die in an apartment when the people moved out. Someone found her and brought her to the shelter where she was immediately given more kittens to nurse. I brought them all home and fostered the new blended family until the kittens all found new homes. I sent Georgette to adoption clinics, but she hissed at everyone who looked at her. I guess she was determined to stay with me. She got her wish.

Above: Rocky. Rocky is not a shelter cat, but a kitten I got from a neighbor at my last farm. He's a house cat now, but once accompanied me and the dogs while I did the farm chores.

Above: Snoozey. Snoozey was another cat from the shelter which no one seemed to want. He had a sweet nature, but a very large hernia protruding from his belly. The shelter vet operated, and I took him home. The operation had to be done a second time, but Snoozey seems now to be fine and happy in his new home.

Well, I'll leave shortly for the farm and will hopefully have more to share when I get back.

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