Saturday, May 30, 2009

Meet the dog pack

My dog pack currently consists of 6 dogs. I've always had dogs, cats and other critters, but especially dogs. I can't imagine life without them. After a very traumatic romantic breakup, I began volunteering at the local animal shelter. I walked dogs, but also brought home many foster dogs and kittens. I'd rehabilitate and assess them, then make them available for adoption. I'd interview the prospective "parents" and choose a family I thought would make a good match. Usually I'd get the dogs which otherwise might be put to sleep and I was particularly drawn to the small and elderly dogs.

Wren, above, was brought to the shelter after her owner died. She was to be put to sleep because she was old and fat. Heck, I'm old and fat and wouldn't want someone putting me to sleep! Anyway, you can see how happy she is - happy to be alive, to be loved, to be outdoors. She's rolling in the grass for joy on a hike. She no longer hikes but still loves to be outdoors with me and the dogs.

Above is another shot of Wren in the backyard by the Rose Mallows. I doubt I'll get any more photos like this because I now have two young dogs who are chewing up the Rose Mallows and/or sitting on them.

The photo above is very recent and is the only one I have which shows all 6 dogs together. It was taken in my living room one morning. The dogs, left to right, are Winky, Wren, Fergus, Casey, Wally and Seamus.

Above is Winky, the one and only. He was to be put to sleep at the shelter because he was snappy. A shelter employee threatened to quit if they euthanized him and said that he knew Bill would take him. I did, and Winky is still kind of snappy so he's with me permanently. He's really a very sweet, happy little dog in spite of his snappy ways.

Little Winky was so frightened that when I picked him up at the shelter to put him in my truck, he pooped all over the truck, over me, all over everything. I guess it really is possible to scare the shit out of someone. We didn't know his name for sure but thought it was King. I began trying him on various names to see what he'd respond to. Not King, not Blacky, not anything until I said "Kingy-Wingy." He liked that, so his name became Winky.

Above is another living room shot showing Winky, Wally, Seamus and Fergus. I included this one because it also shows two of the five cats, Draco and Snoozy. I'll introduce them in another post some day.

Above is Wally who, oddly enough loves to swim, trying to convince Winky to join him. Winky wanted no part of it. This was on a short local hike last summer.

Wally, above, is another shelter dog who was scheduled to be put to sleep for being snappy. He was just fine once I got him home, though. The vet now comments on his wonderful temperament but at one time, the sign on his shelter cage door read "CAUTION - THIS DOG BIT ME!"

Wally and Winky outside the kitchen door waiting to get back inside.

Wally by the daffodils.

Seamus is not a shelter dog. He's a purebred Standard Poodle who I got at 3 months old. He's now 105 pounds and quite the personality. The picture above shows why he doesn't get to sleep in my bed with me.

Seamus being silly with the throw rugs (he believes they are for throwing) with sweet little Wren.

Fergus and Seamus are best buddies and do everything together at all times. They also wrestle nearly all the time when they aren't sleeping. Fergus is a pet shop dog, a cockapoo. I know I shouldn't buy pet shop dogs but no one wanted this one and he languished there for weeks and weeks, his behavior deteriorating steadily. Finally, the pet shop gave me a deal. He's still hyper, but his behavior otherwise is now quite good.

The above photo is my darling Casey, now almost 15 years old. She came from the same animal shelter way back in 1995. She's always been a sweetheart and even now can climb up a mountain with the best of them. Her hearing and eyesight are not what they once were, but she doesn't let it slow her down.

Well, that's the dog pack. Sometimes it feels like I live my life for their benefit. Well, if so, I can think of plenty worse ways to live a life.

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