
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Chapter 2 - Hike To Grasse Pond, Debar Mountain Wild Forest

We'd hiked into the Debar Mountain Wild Forest to the Grasse Pond lean-to (see yesterday's post) and had just arrived at the southern end of Grasse Pond. The dogs began running excitedly toward the pond for a closer look:

The trail between the lean-to and Grasse Pond was, appropriately, all covered with grass and became spongier and bouncier as we made our way toward the water. It became apparent that we were walking on a floating peat bog:

Seamus was headed toward the pond with gusto, but stopped short of the water when he realized that the surface beneath him was becoming too treacherous to hold his weight::

I stopped short of the water also as I surely didn't want to break through the floating peat bog. But Grasse Pond was a gorgeous and pristine wild lake. I knew that I was seeing something sacred:

Being much lighter and more adventurous, Daphne continued to bounce through the grass like a silly little bunny rabbit. She sure has fun:

I was wearing brand new shoes and they were sinking into the water with each step. I didn't want to ruin them, so began moving back toward dry land. This picture shows the sphagnum surface on which we walked, complete with water bubbling to the surface, grasses and cranberry plants:

The path became less spongy and more stable as we returned toward the lean-to:

Once back in the forest, we began the return trip to the trail head:

We passed by the lean-to once again and the dogs, of course, checked one more time for dropped food or bacon drippings. Hope never dies:

Having found no food scraps, we all continued on our way:

My dogs stayed together very nicely, perhaps because it was such easy going. They still had a marvelous time, though, playing and sniffing and peeing and doing all the usual dog things:

Back through the deep forest we traveled, the trail seeming to me to be much longer than it had when we walked going the other way. Since the trail was unmarked and there were a few side trails, I began to wonder if I'd made a wrong turn. But I'll post more tomorrow:

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Chapter 1 - Hike To Grasse Pond, Debar Mountain Wild Forest

I'd gotten an early start that Monday morning and hiked Panther Mountain and taken driving photo tours of the hamlet of Keese Mill and the town of Brighton. But it was still morning and I wanted to do one more hike. I chose to hike in to Grasse Pond (some spell it "Grass Pond") in the Debar Mountain Wild Forest. The trail head was adjacent to Mountain Pond and the Hays Brook Horse Trail where I frequently stop with the dogs on my way to and from the farm. The sign said it was 3 miles to the lean-to:

This trail was reported to be level and exceedingly easy walking. It was exactly that, and lovely also.

The dogs were ecstatic to be on another hike, and gave everything a thorough sniffing:

We passed through deep forests on a broad, level trail which enabled me to enjoy the views instead of carefully watching where I set down each foot:

We arrived at an old plank bridge spanning the Osgood River:

I made a mental note to explore the Osgood River on our return trip:

The trail forked shortly after we crossed the bridge and we bore to the right, heading for the Grasse Pond lean-to:

This trail was lined with ferns of all kinds, but especially Bracken Ferns. I don't think I've seen so many Bracken Ferns since my childhood summers in Oregon where we used to pull them up and use them as spears to throw at each other while playing "Cowboys and Indians:"

Are we almost there yet, Dad?:

The trail wasn't marked, but I thought it was obvious enough where to walk and didn't think we'd get lost:

The dogs alerted me to a pile of feathers in the trail and I took a closer look. Some bird, possibly a Blue Jay (judging by the striped feathers), had become someone's dinner here. I didn't notice at first, but whoever had eaten this bird had left behind its intestines, which look rather like earthworms in this photo:

And then we reached the Grasse Pond lean-to. The dogs ran quickly around to the front of it where they hoped to find food scraps or bacon drippings. I was more interested in seeing Grasse Pond, but I'll post more about that tomorrow:

Friday, September 28, 2012

The Adirondack Town Of Brighton, New York - Part 3

I was between hikes and taking a driving photo tour of Brighton, New York. The PackBasket Diner had opened not too long ago, having taken over from a previous owner. Sadly, I saw no customers and wondered if it too had gone out of business. I have, however, passed by on subsequent trips and seen many cars parked there:

This, if I remember correctly, was an architectural firm:

Notice the Adirondack style porch railings:

And this attractive, rustic style church:

Another home with an American flag, this one defying the trend toward earth tones and decked out in bright white and blue:

This, I thought, might be the quintessential Adirondack home with its brown siding, green porch roof, birch and evergreen landscaping, stone retaining wall and Snowball Bush out front. Not to mention the forest into which is was nestled:

And elegant green forest home:

A home with what a screened porch, picket fence and wood stoves:

And metal roofs, an effective plan in big snow country:

Wild ferns, two flags, two chimneys, a clothesline and an enclosed porch:

I couldn't read the sign between the two upstairs windows when I got home, so I cropped and enlarged it to refresh my memory. It said, "Merry Christmas." I guess they'll be all set when December rolls around:

I wanted to take a photo of the Brighton general store and deli, the source of the best subs I've ever eaten, but forgot. So I instead took a photo of this beautiful stone church. But it was time to head back toward the farm or take another hike. Either way meant driving north on Route 30. So I ended my photo tour and did just that:

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Adirondack Town Of Brighton, New York - Part 2

I was taking a driving tour of Brighton, New York. They had a nice community park:

And earthy, wood-toned homes:

Lots of American flags displayed and lots of front porches, always with a backdrop of tall forest trees:

More homes were painted brown or green than any other color, even white:

And most had flowers in bloom out front. Wood piles indicated lots of wood stoves would be in use this winter:

Metal roofs were the ultimate in practicality in high snow areas such as the Adirondacks:

A well constructed home, comfortably situated in the Adirondack forest:

An old barn, an abandoned trailer and a scrapped fire truck sitting in what had once been a farm field. Very interesting, but I had no explanation:

Nicely landscaped and comfortable in its natural setting:

A home which I thought was designed to take advantage of the spectacular views:

And a bit of luxury in the Adirondacks:

Very woodsy. Brighton is a large, spread out town with lots to see. So I took many photos and will post a Part 3 tomorrow:

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Adirondack Town Of Brighton, New York - Part 1

Brighton is an Adirondack town through which I pass almost every time I drive to or from the farm. It has some of the nicest scenery in all of the Adirondacks and I've posted photos of the long range views many times before. But I decided that I'd take a photo tour of the houses and businesses along the way as I drove from Panther Mountain to our next hike:

I'd guess this was home to lots of children:

Most of Brighton is deep in the Adirondack forest and big trees are ubiquitous:

The woodsy, natural look is favored:

Big trees, earth tones and stone chimney, all common here among these folks who love the Adirondacks:

An enclosed porch, protection against rugged weather and bugs:

Lots of trees and lots of green:

A screened porch for folks who know what black fly season and deer fly season are like:

A canoe in the front yard for folks who live surrounded by pristine lakes and streams:

This large and well kept home also had some nice flower gardens:

And a chainsaw artist, deep in the Adirondack forest:

Rugosa roses in front of a pleasant, earth toned house. Brighton was a scenic place and apparently fairly prosperous. I'll post more tomorrow: